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Our Church and Town

Pililla is a sub-urban municipality in the Province of Rizal, Philippines. According to the 2000 census, it has a population of 45,275 people in 9,001 households.

Pililla is just few kilometers away from Tanay, Rizal. It is surrounded by farms, small mountains, planes and trees. Its nearby provinces are Laguna and Quezon.

Pililla is a great place to experience the true culture of a province. It has preserved some religious and non-religious tradition such as the Santa Cruzan or Flores de Mayo, wherein beautiful men and women walk all over town on their gowns. Town Fiesta during the month of July is visited by people from the city to experience great celebrations especially the amateur shows at night.

From five indigenous settlements, the first Franciscan missionaries organized a visita of Morong called Pilang-morong, which in 1583 became an independent town. But for lack of personnel, Pililla did not have a resident priest until 1590. The first church was built of cogon and nipa and in 1599, the town received the authorization to construct a church of stone. However, in 1632, church was destroyed during a conflagration that ruined the whole town. A new church was built immediately but it too was destroyed by fire in 1668. Between 1670-73, a new church was completed. In 1848 the altars of the church and the adjacent convento were renovated. Again the church was renovated between 1962-76. Like most churches of Laguna, Pililla’s is made of adobe. The church is simple and severe in design, akin in its simplicity to Baras. Although the interior is renovated a few statues from the old church remain.The church remain dear to devoted Catholics in this town which is about 70% of its population.

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Parish Bulletin

Typhoon Milenyo Devastates Parish Roof

Typhoon Milenyo totally destroyed the roof of main church. Please pray and help for the immediate restoration. Saint Mary Magdalene, Our Mother and Patroness. Pray For Us! - Rev. Fr. Reynante Tolentino

For Your Donations and Assistance: Please Call +63.2.6542881 



Our 16th Centruy Old Church

Pairsh Jurisdiction

Bagumbayan (Pob.)


Hulo (Pob.)

Imatong (Pob.)

Wawa (Pob.)

Takungan (Pob.)



Who is Saint Mary Magdalene?

She is called "the Penitent". St. Mary was given the name 'Magdalen' because, though a Jewish girl, she lived in a Gentile town called Magdale, in northern Galilee, and her culture and manners were those of a Gentile. St. Luke records that she was a notorious sinner, and had seven devils removed from her. She was present at Our Lords' Crucifixion, and with Joanna and Mary, the mother of James and Salome, at Jesus' empty tomb. Fourteen years after Our Lord's death, St. Mary was put in a boat by the Jews without sails or oars - along with Sts. Lazarus and Martha, St. Maximin (who baptized her), St. Sidonius ("the man born blind"), her maid Sera, and the body of St. Anne, the mother of the Blessed Virgin. They were sent drifting out to sea and landed on the shores of Southern France, where St. Mary spent the rest of her life as a contemplative in a cave known as Sainte-Baume. She was given the Holy Eucharist daily by angels as her only food, and died when she was 72. St. Mary was transported miraculously, just before she died, to the chapel of St. Maximin, where she received the last sacraments.

More about this saint: St. Mary Magdalen (Feast day - July 22) Mary Magdalen was well known as a sinner when she first saw Our Lord. She was very beautiful and very proud, but after she met Jesus, she felt great sorrow for her evil life. When Jesus went to supper at the home of a rich man named Simon, Mary came to weep at His feet. Then with her long beautiful hair, she wiped His feet dry and anointed them with expensive perfume. Some people were surprised that Jesus let such a sinner touch Him, but Our Lord could see into Mary's heart, and He said: "Many sins are forgiven her, because she has loved very much." Then to Mary He said kindly, "Your faith has made you safe; go in peace." From then on, with the other holy women, Mary humbly served Jesus and His Apostles. When Our Lord was crucified, she was there at the foot of His cross, unafraid for herself, and thinking only of His sufferings. No wonder Jesus said of her: "She has loved much." After Jesus' body had been placed in the tomb, Mary went to anoint it with spices early Easter Sunday morning. Not finding the Sacred Body, she began to weep, and seeing someone whom she thought was the gardener, she asked him if he knew where the Body of her beloved Master had been taken. But then the person spoke in a voice she knew so well: "Mary!" It was Jesus, risen from the dead! He had chosen to show Himself first to Mary Magdalen, the repentent sinner.

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Greetings of Peace!

This website is under construction. It aims to bridge the gap of everybody dear to Saint Mary Magdalene Parish of Pililla Rizal. Soon, you will find updated pictures, events and announcements posted in this website. It will also feature the active ministries and their underlying organizations. Please feel free to provide whatever assistance and ideas relating to the development of this website. May it be our home away from home and bring us closer to a community of united believers and follwers of Christ, through our patroness, St. Mary Magdalene. 

"Simbahan ko, Mahal ko!"  

Rev. Fr. Reynante Tolentino - Parish Priest